This weekend was good, between two swim meets (won one, lost one) and my mom and Grandma visiting. I swam fairly well, better than last weekend, and even went a best time in the 200 fly on Saturday. We also had the swim team Halloween party. I went with Monica, Jordan, and Allison as the Golden Girls. It was enjoyable and I really like my friends, it turns out.
My last point of interest is what I heard in church yesterday. The pastor quoted someone who said, "Mountain climbers are tied together to keep the sane ones from going home." I really liked that quote. It was not the main point of the message, but I took from it the need for friends and a church family especially who keep you moving even when everything around you seems hard. They're not just letting you give up when it looks impossible (and you feel like you're the only sane one). It was kind of a fun metaphor. REACH for the top!
I'm thinking your Golden Girls outfits look suspiciously like your English tea time party..
yes, there is a close resemblance now that you mention it...
The costume was chosen before the character. We had to think, "Who can I be so that I can wear this costume?"
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