Monday, April 5, 2010

"I know Chuck Liddell" and other fun times on public transit

I will send a special treat to whoever comes up with a creative label name for my bus stories. I ride the COTA almost daily and have some lovely conversations - some might say more than average. I've decided that rather than make off-handed comments, I'm just going to share my stories with you here. Welcome to a bus ride in the life of Julie. (I'll have a few stories here, and add more as they come up.) I resolve to not exaggerate - know that I rarely start conversations, although I do the smile/ head nod hello when I get on the bus. And BusGuy will be my generic name. Not the same guy.

Story one: My most disconcerting story that I can remember as of now.
Julie: gets on the bus. Hair is down (first mistake.) Sits in one of the only empty seats.
BusGuy: Was sitting in the front, stands up, and walks to the seat across from me. Asks the guy in the seat if he can sit there - guy looks at him strangely but stands up in the aisle. BusGuy sits, leans around the aisle-stander, and says, "Hi."
Julie: Hi...
Conversation ensures. BusGuy has a dalmatian named Clinton that he's going to Krogers to buy a dog biscuit for. Used to have a dog named Hilary too, but she died. BusGuy finds out that my name is Julie, that I grew up in Westerville, that I graduated in 2003 (at this point, I turn into Kristi so that he can't find me if he looked me up later.)
Julie: gets off at her stop (before the Krogers.)
BusGuy: Well, if I see you again then I'll tell you my last name!
Julie: practices her sprinting...

Story two (today's story): I have just finished a 9 mile run, and stopped at the library to pick up the book It's So Amazing: A Book About Eggs, Sperm, Birth, Babies, and Families (from the author of It's Perfectly Normal). So I look for a place to sit where no one will be downwind or within reading distance of this lovely book where the chapter on birth is called "Come out, come out, wherever you are!"
BusGuy: (stands up from a few rows behind.) Mind if I sit here?
Julie: Go ahead. (Do I smell that bad that within an instant he needs to move so he's not behind me???)
BusGuy: mumblemumble.
Julie: What?
BusGuy: I know Chuck Liddell.
Julie: Oh.
BusGuy: He's an ultimate fighter.
Julie: ... Cool... (He's still looking at me) ... Have you ever tried to fight him?
BusGuy: Nope.
Julie: Oh. (Hides book. Is he going to see the parrot asking if the baby is pooped out? Is he going to smell me?)
Eventually, after I'm also not terribly impressed that BusGuy has recently quit smoking, he moves up a seat. Must've started breathing through his nose.

Labels for the blog, anyone?


Stephen said...

how about "s.c.h.m.u.c.k.s."? "Socially Challenged Horny Men & Unwelcome Conversations with Komplete Strangers"?

Stephen said...

mmmmmmmm... DELICIOUS cookies... too bad all of you other poor saps didn't bother to respond, or it might have been you enjoying these soft mouthfuls of heavenly delight!