Thursday, April 7, 2011

it makes the world go around and around and... (hanson, anyone?)

Three things are on the agenda for this morning. In no particular order of importance (particularly because most things that I post have little to no importance), they are:

1. I need a catch-phrase/ quote/ amalgamation of words that relates flying and love. I know that there has to be one out there, but all I can think of is "on the wings of love" which is now (was?) a television show tagline. Please help.

2. I had a delicious dinner last night. I had leftover vegetable soup with Shaker Corn Bread (in my cast iron skillet) on the side. Of course, I didn't really follow that recipe... instead of using what I'm assuming they meant by "egg substitute" of eggbeaters, I mixed 1 T flaxseed meal with 3 T water... Instead of chopped dill, I used a chile pepper in adobo sauce (I do understand that is a completely different taste)... Substituted frozen corn for fresh (nbd)... Substituted milk powder and water for 2% milk (without really measuring). Six out of ten ingredients remained the same, however.

I'm also reading my kindle while eating dinner on fancy plates, because I love the plates Diane found for me and I love free books.

The real highlight to the meal was a Hasselback potato. I used this recipe from my pretend-friend Joy because I had a sweet potato (even though she uses a regular potato) that needed eaten. It was delectable. Delicious. I will have to try this potato cooking method more often.

The recipe was followed pretty closely for the potato, except for the whole normal- sweet substitution. I think when I make it again, if I use a sweet potato, I'm not going to bother with pesto because the roasting made it good enough on its own. I also think I could've put brown sugar crumbles on top, or maybe even this pecan and goat cheese salsa. It was good but it almost took away from the roasted-goodness of garlic and butter and oil.

Also, I hadn't written down the pesto recipe, so I can't really give feedback on it. I food-processed some cashews, olive oil,  garlic salt, and spinach... I have a feeling hers would be a different taste with all her added ingredients. Mine was good though - I froze the rest for pasta leftovers some day. If I can ever remember to have leftovers...

3. My little preschoolers are teaching me a lot about love, and how I lack it. Interestingly, those of you who have heard me talk about "my buddy" or remember my post about my insensitivity toward his bodily excretions might be surprised to know that I feel a lot of love for him. I can see his turmoil and angst (that sounds really deep for a 3 1/2 year old, but I need some outlet for big words right now) - and while I do get completely drained and sometimes, yes, he makes me cry like one of the preschoolers myself, I am patient and can mostly love him. I need help and I rely on the Spirit inside me so that I can demonstrate some fruits of the Spirit with him - but also with others. There are other attributes the preschoolers have that frustrate me more quickly and I have trouble really embodying love to them.

1 comment:

RDW said...

"On the Wings of Love" actually traces it roots back to a pop song. Can't remember the singer.... but how about "You Are the Wind beneath My Wings" (Bette Midler song).